Hi, I'm Jules, and this is my minimalist website.
Open source projects
I mainly write open source code under the nick @CapacitorSet. Some noteworthy projects:
- soc/petalinux-template, a Petalinux template for building a project with support for multiple boards. Used at CERN in the ATLAS Level 1 Central Trigger.
- Glovebox, a C++ library that makes it easy to use fully homomorphic encryption in server applications. Very experimental, very cool.
- Box-js, a Node.js sandbox for studying JScript malware. Used successfully in real-world environments and malware research.
- Rebridge, a package for transparently accessing Redis as a Javascript object. Also on npm.
- inchezonasiamo.it, un sito per monitorare le zone rosse, arancioni e gialle giorno per giorno.
I helped develop an extensible Telegram bot in Node.js, and contributed some features to Honeytrap as part of the Google Summer of Code.
Sono anche il responsabile dell'infrastruttura server di gambe.ro, un fork italiano di lobste.rs.
Articles and talks
- Scalable booting and host configuration for System-on-Chips in the ATLAS Level 1 Central Trigger, a talk at the System-on-Chip Interest Group Meeting at CERN on how to design a scalable workflow for building, booting and host configuration on SoCs.
- How we exploited a remote execution vulnerability in math.js, a short article about finding, exploiting and responsibly disclosing a vulnerability in math.js. Also my first experiment in minimalist, lightweight web design.
- Automating malware analysis with Node.js, Docker and RabbitMQ, a presentation about box-js I held at ESC17 in Padua.
- Google Summer of Code 2018: contributing to Honeytrap, a summary of my contribution to Honeytrap in the context of Google Summer of Code 2018.
- Fingerprinting TLS clients with JA3, a short guide to JA3 with a live demonstration
- Minimum Viable Data Space: guida al deploy e all’utilizzo in italiano, una guida sui Data Space IDSA
Course notes - appunti universitari
I uploaded some lecture notes by professors of Politecnico di Torino, originally shared with open licenses, to make them indexable and thus accessible to everyone.
Ho caricato online alcune dispense messe a disposizione dei docenti del Politecnico di Torino, condivise in origine con licenze open, per facilitarne l'indicizzazione e quindi renderle accessibili a tutti.
- Calcolo numerico, di Alberto Tibaldi
- Algorithms, by Alessandro Savino
- Computer architectures, by Alessandro Savino
- Algoritmi e architetture, appunti di Erica Raviola
- Campi elettromagnetici/linee a radiofrequenza, esercizi di Claudio Fiandrino
CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0; © 2010-2012 Claudio Fiandrino - Introduzione all'informazione e al calcolo quantistico, di Anna Carbone e Bartolomeo Montrucchio
CC-BY-SA 3.0 - Computer network technologies and services, exercises by Fulvio Risso and Guido Marchetto
CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 - System and device programming, appunti miei
CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 - Cloud computing, laboratory exercises by Fulvio Risso, Marco Iorio, Alex Palesandro and Francesco Borgogni.
E-mail (preferred): capacitorset@gmail.com
Twitter: @CapacitorSet
Inspired by Antirez's website and thebestmotherfucking.website. Licensed CC-BY 4.0.